
Setup gem using the configuration block:

Egis.configure do |config|
  config.aws_region = 'AWS region'
  config.aws_access_key_id = 'AWS key ID'
  config.aws_secret_access_key = 'AWS secret key'
  config.work_group = 'egis-integration-testing'

if you don't provide these values, Egis will use standard AWS client's config, looking for credentials in standard locations. For more info refer to:

You can set aws_profile attribute to use specific profile from ~/.aws/credentials.

Egis.configure do |config|
  config.aws_profile = 'my-credentials-profile'

Alternatively, egis can be configured in runtime: ruby do |config| config.aws_region = 'AWS region' end

Egis client is a class that provides you with the interface for schema manipulation and running queries

client =

Creating databases

You can create and remove databases by using client's database factory method.

database = client.database('my_db')

Creating tables

Once you obtained a Database object, you can define a table schema using Egis DSL

schema = Egis::TableSchema.define do
  column :id, :int
  column :message, :string

  partition :country, :string
  partition :type, :int

and use table method to create a Table object.

# by default Egis assumes that the data is in TSV format
table = database.table('my_table', schema, 's3://my-s3-bucket/table-data-location')

# you can pass `format` option to change it (available options: tsv, csv, orc)
table = database.table('my_table', schema, 's3://my-s3-bucket/table-data-location', format: :orc)

table.create! # create table in Athena
table.create  # create table in Athena, ignoring if it already exists

Loading partitions

If the table is partitioned, you need to load the partitions first

# ask Athena to scan S3 location looking for partitions

# add partition value combinations manually (this method is much faster with large number of partitions)
table.add_partitions!(country: %w[us mx], type: [1, 2])

Executing queries

Having proper databases and tables setup, you can execute a query

# by default Egis executes queries asynchronously and returns query ID
status = database.execute_query('SELECT * FROM my_table ORDER BY id;')

# you need to check query status using query_status method which returns Egis::QueryStatus object
status = database.query_status(
return status.output_location if status.finished?

Query ran this way will be executed within the database's context. You can also execute a query outside of the database context by calling analogous methods on the Client class.

client =
status = client.execute_query('SHOW DATABASES;')

Getting query results

If the query has finished running, or you used the async: false option, you can easily fetch the result:

status = client.execute_query('SELECT id, name, email FROM USERS;', async: false)
users = status.fetch_result(schema: [:int, :string, :string]) # schema is optional

Query execution options

Both Client's and Database's execute_query methods allow more parameters to configure their behavior:

  • work_group - override default work group

  • database - run query in the context of specific database

  • output_location - S3 location URL pointing to the directory Athena should produce output to

Synchronous query execution

If your query is fast, or you simply prefer the program execution to wait for query results Egis allows you to do that as well

# you can pass `async` param to block the execution until the query finishes
# with this option, Egis automatically polls Athena API wating for query to finish
result = database.execute_query('SELECT * FROM my_table ORDER BY id;', async: false)

# it uses exponential backoff which you can configure as well
Egis.configure do |config|
  # attempt is an API call number, starting from 1
  # defaults to: ->(attempt) { 1.5**attempt - 1 }
  config.query_status_backoff = ->(attempt) { 5 }

Ignoring existing entities

Database's create, drop, create_table and add_partitions methods have two versions, with and without a bang (!). Bang versions are not permissive. For example Database.create! will fail when the database already exists, whereas Database.create will simply ignore it and do nothing.


Egis provides tooling to write automated integration tests. You can wrap you tests in special testing closure that executes Egis queries in a virtual testing environment. Here's a RSpec usage example:

require 'egis/testing' # require testing module to enable additional testing capabilities

# set your testing S3 bucket
Egis.configure do |config|
  config.testing_s3_bucket = 'testing-bucket'

# wrap you tests with a "testing" block
RSpec.configure do |c|
  # every table and database created within this block is mapped to a "virtual" table space in your testing S3 bucket
  c.around(:each) do |example|
    Egis.testing do

RSpec.describe MyAthenaQuery do
  subject { }

  let(:table) do
    # define your databases and tables as you would define them in the code

  before do
    table.upload_data([['Column 1', Time.utc(2020), 3]]) # you can use Table.upload_data to upload test data to S3

  it do
      # Table.download_data lets you load table contents to memory after executing tested code
      expect(table.download_data).to eq([['Column 1', Time.utc(2020), 3]])

Notice: Egis handles separation between virtual testing namespaces. It also cleans Athena databases at the and of testing block. But you are responsible for removing S3 files generated by tests. We highly recommend using S3 lifecycle policies to do that automatically.